Major(ish) Update

Hey all! 

I’ve been trying my best to get this out as soon as possible! This is kind of a major update for DRIFTS, I’ve tried my best to work off the feedback of the initial release and added features that hopefully improve the game.

DRIFTS has become a booklet and is no longer a one-page rpg.

Why? Because, content!

The one-page format just would not work and would become too unreadable for all the new content. The original one-page will still be available to download, so if you prefer the original, it’s all there.

Added features:

  • Main Quest
  • Challenges
  • Trading system
  • Creatures

Main Quest

Your nomad now has a main quest, something to work towards and maybe ending your adventure. A few asked for this to be added and it does help knowing there will finally be an end to the dunes.

Towers have been dotted around the map, one in each corner. These towers are to be activated using “Seismotion Activators”, once all have been activated the DRIFTS will no longer affect the area within, freeing the denizens and allowing your nomad a rest after the long journey.

Seismotion Activators can be acquire through trading and only one can be carried at a time.

To aid in the added journey time, I have added the feature of fixing engine parts.  Engine parts can be bought are acquired and allow you to fully fix parts to keep your bike running. Hopefully this will allow you to actually get to the towers instead of becoming stranded and eaten by worms.


These are optional quests to be completed before activating all the towers. Storywise, the process of these challenges allow your nomad to find their way of life. A profession they will most likely follow once the DRIFTS have subsided.

Cartographer: Permanently document three settlements and ruins.

Archaeologist: Collected and sold four artefacts.

Merchant: Built relationships with three settlements.

Relationships?! What? Which brings us onto…

Trading System

I have added a system that will allow you to buy and sell items in all settlements you encounter. Items can be sold and bought with supplies and SHINGLES!

Shingles are a new currency in the world of DRIFTS.

Trading also allows your nomad to build Relationship with settlements by selling Favoured items to them. Each type of settlement has an its own favoured item, providing this item will add one towards a full relationship.


These beings have replaced the dwellings landmark. Dwellings never really brought much to the game and I’m hoping these added creatures will disrupt your journey in enjoyable ways. Each creature has a small description and unique effect that will hinder your nomad.

  • Sand Worm (Artwork)
  • Drem
  • Terrultures (Artwork)
  • Sabeks
  • Loshian(Artwork)
  • Gnrats
Last but not least…

Map Changes

Not a major change just a small one. Not only have dwellings been removed from the landmarks but I have also chosen to remove Bandits from the settlements. These just weren’t threatening enough and players obviously would not choose to keep them around. So, they have become permanent placements on the map, breaking up the blank page and providing a challenge when making your way towards towers.

Thank you

Thank you to everyone that downloaded (and even paid) for DRIFTS! This was my very first ttrpg creation and the support has been amazing! So amazing in fact that it has encouraged me to keep creating!
I’m working on my next game which I hope you will all check out when it drops!


DRIFTS_Full_Booklet 27 MB
82 days ago


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